Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I Choose You!

November was National Adoption Month, and I didn’t get this written in time to post it.  I’d like to share our personal story - or at least part of it, and encourage others; we may not all be able to adopt, but with God, we are all adoptable.
The chairs were cold and hard, and I was ready to leave them.  We sat in the gym listening to song after song, as the program seemed to run long.  Finally, someone teased us about closing the ceremony, but then dashed our hopes with “just one more number.”  I suppressed a huge sigh - as adults are suppose to be above such displays.  My selfishness diminished as I watched a tiny, blond imp walk forward and face the crowd.  She shyly smiled and began to sing “Jesus Loves Me”.  As she walked back to her seat, a brief, how cute, flitted through my mind and just as quickly I forgot all about her as we were finally dismissed.

If you believe that life is filled with random coincidences we just happen to experience, then you may not understand the rest of this story.  I hope you will read on, despite some doubt, and learn how much God cares - not just about our needs, but our hopes and dreams as well.  I personally believe in divine intervention, prayer and faith, but even I forget just how big God is.  Little did I know, sitting on those cold, hard chairs, that God had not only heard my prayer, but had just placed the answer right in front of me. 

I had an ache in my heart, a hole of sorts, that no surgeon could repair.  While I already had two wonderful sons by birth, I longed to adopt a daughter.  This, for me, was a need, for my husband, not so much.  Seven years passed since the topic was first discussed, and I prayed first for his heart to change and when that didn’t get results, I prayed that my heart would.  I asked God to take the desire from me, so it wouldn’t hurt anymore, or cause bitterness.  God was not satisfied with those limitations, and with his typical wisdom and no lack of a sense of humor, He opted for the shock and awe approach.  The next time the subject was brought up, it was my husband that said, “I think we should look into adopting!“  I almost passed out, but recovered quickly so I could get the ball rolling before he could change his mind! 

I called several adoption agencies and was satisfied knowing packets of information would arrive within a few weeks.  Then, being a long standing member in the, ‘it never hurts to ask’ club, I put in one more call, this time more local.  We were friends with a couple that managed a Christian children's ranch.  The kids placed with them were temporary wards, while parents were in jail, or couldn’t care for them for other reasons.  It was rare that any of the kids were adoptable and I didn’t get my hopes up as I dialed.   My inquiry was answered with one question  “how old?“  I explained very logically, how we felt that a 2 or 3 year old would be best, giving us time with them before they started school.  That was met with, “oh, that’s too bad.“  I was then told that there was a five year old girl that would be put up for adoption right after Christmas.  I heard my voice say, oh, that is too bad, that is older than we were thinking, and with that I hung up.

You can hang up a telephone easily, but it’s much harder to disconnect your heart!  That night and I didn’t sleep a wink…I laid there thinking about a five year old girl that would soon be displaced in life.  It broke my heart.  I vaguely remembered a young girl with huge dimples, that one of our friends was caring for at the Ranch.  She met us at the door one night, full of energy, talking non-stop and proceeded to use Dale as a jungle gym.  Could they be talking about her?  How old was she?  Was I remembering right - was her hair blond?  The never-ending questions jammed my mind and imagination all through the night. By early morning I noticed Dale was awake too, and asked what he thought about a five year old.  Without hesitation he said, “I think you should call them back!“

She did have blond hair, blue eyes and dimples! Not only was she the girl God placed on my mind that night, she was also the same impish child who sang for us that uncomfortable day in the gym!  She would become our daughter that winter.  She ended up with two older brothers to torture gleefully, and parents who knew beyond all doubt that she was a gift from God.  God made sure our lives were woven with threads of common friends.  It has been nearly 20 years since we first heard her sing, and she uses her voice still, every Sunday, as she leads worship for our church now. 

Romans 8:15
…”so that he could adopt us as his very own children.”

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