I can remember driving from point A to point B in the Northwest, and not having a signal on my cell phone. My car would have more supplies than I needed - ‘just in case,’ because I might have a flat, or some other emergency in a spot where the cell phone wouldn’t help me out. I also remember when we had no cell phones - but can not for the life of me, remember how I survived! I go no where without mine, and even check my email with it! My laptop computer also rarely leaves my side, and when I end up somewhere that doesn’t have a wireless signal, I am completely bummed out! I am ‘connected’ almost 24/7, not because I have to - but because I really, really, want to!
I’m still in Washington as I type this. I’m writing from the upstairs bedroom at a family member’s home, and this house is a rare spot! There is no computer and no wireless router! For years I didn’t even bring my computer in from the car when visiting, because I wouldn’t be able to connect. A year ago, I was visiting and used my computer to watch a movie one night…and made a huge - epic level, discovery! Someone nearby had left their wireless signal “unsecured”! I nearly laughed the evil laugh - bwaa ha ha…as I hit “connect to this anyway,” when my computer was trying to warn me of such things. I had a signal - was connected, and it was wonderful! Okay - that’s the dramatic version, but really, it was pretty cool.
Being connected has its pros and its cons of course. I love being able to check my email when I’m away from home, and knowing that my Mom and other family members can reach me with the cell phone at any time. I really enjoy getting on Facebook and feeling connected to my friends and family; seeing what’s happening in their worlds and looking at all the pictures. The downside to being this connected, in some cases, are the same as the pros to it. I am never not connected, and in spite of this, I feel lonely a good deal of the time! The computer and phone can not give me hugs, or hold my hand, or have lunch with me! They should not-can not take the place of being connected in a real, physical way! It is entirely in my control to not be connected through technology - all I have to do is disconnect, hang up, power down, and unplug! There are times when I do this, and while it’s weird and eerily quiet, it’s also pretty nice!
I am wondering - even while I am connected while writing this blog, if all this technology is healthy for my soul? Of course too much of anything, they say, is never good…so of course we have to keep our wireless, cell phone driven lives in check! In the middle of all this glorious connectedness, how well are we connected to God? Do our cell phones and computers and other toy gadgets get in the way of how much time we’ve spent talking to Him? I can honestly say, yes - I am guilty of this! This week of vacation I have spent far more time on the phone, watching movies, eating out and playing games with family (all great things of course), but very little time praying or letting God’s word speak into my life.
The very technology that gives me hours of fun and the ability to stay connected to people…can also suck the life right out of me at times! Not all phone calls or emails are positive, not everyone is calling or writing to say “I love you,“ and not all movies leave me with a warm, fuzzy feeling! I guess the lesson of the day is - hang up once in a while, and connect to something truly life-giving instead of life-sucking! It’s okay to enjoy the new gadgets, and incredibly important to stay connected to each other, but just don’t let it take the place of staying in touch with who gave you life. Balance, as in all things - but this scale should tip toward God’s favor I think.
Philippians 2:16, “Hold firm to the word of life, then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.” nlt
Hmmm. . . .so I'm not the only one with this problem.