Friday, November 19, 2010

Working Out!

I am about to embark on my tri-weekly adventure to Curves.  I typically work out there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week - or try to.  I began this journey, of thinking at age 52, I could be fit and slim again.  While it is helping and I am definitely leaner and much more toned than when I started last March, I have a long, long - long, ways to go!  I have set small goals for myself - knowing well enough that I am not able to commit more…and 10 pounds at a time eventually will get me to where I want to be.  Although, I’m not sure exactly where that is; what is the end result I’m working-out for?

When I was 25, had been married for 6 years already, and gone through 2 pregnancies, I was determined to shed the extra pounds.  I ran, did aerobics, walked, and ate barely anything.  I also took diet pills - yes, the ones we now know are horrible for us!  I was like a hamster on a wheel - on speed!  I was indeed thin…in fact some people said, too thin!  But dang - I looked good, and was “all that” and wore clothes that would not fit on one thigh of mine today.  Eventually I crashed, health wise and diet wise and today running would only be necessary - or even possible, if a large Grizzly bear were chasing me!  I do believe I would just lay down and play dead, and in the end - if eaten, would figure at least I was meaty and fatty enough to carry the bear through hibernation.

I am 52 now, and proud of it…I have earned every wrinkle, gray hair, and extra pound I have on me.  I am no longer out working because of health issues, but I am working-out, and feeling good because of it.  I do not take diet pills, yet my bathroom counter is filled with pill bottles.  I am still restricted by diet, but now gluten, dairy and sugar free - if I’m behaving myself.  No more Diet Coke in my hand 24/7 - now a water bottle.  What has this world come to?  Well, it’s come to this - I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!  I’m not doing 30 minutes in a circle, on funny looking machines, with a dozen other women…just to lose weight.  I’m not even doing it so I can look in the mirror again and say, “dang, I look good!”  I simply want to feel good, be as healthy as I can, and be able to maybe, put a bit more distance between that Grizzly - if need be.

I need to be reminded of a different end result in my life too.  I am setting these goals with my weight and health, but still terrible at setting spiritual ones!  I keep forgetting that part of my daily workout should be picking up my Bible, and spending some quality time getting that part of my life toned.  I should be sick and tired of feeling sick and tired when it comes to my spiritual life!  I want to stand before God someday and have Him say “dang, you look good girl!” So - what is my end result…simply what I named this blog: being the best me I can be!  That’s it - whether it’s my weight, health issues or the health of my spiritual life.  It’s a goal I think we can all work toward.  Now, excuse me - Curves is calling!

1 comment:

  1. I keep thinking, one of these days her blog is going to not inspire me, but every time I read it I am reminded what a terrific writer you are. You are a natural. I think you need to have a column in the Lookout for Standard Publishing--or someplace significant. If Mary writes it--I want to read it.
